Source code for integron_finder.annotation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Integron_Finder - Integron Finder aims at detecting integrons in DNA sequences   #
# by finding particular features of the integron:                                  #
#   - the attC sites                                                               #
#   - the integrase                                                                #
#   - and when possible attI site and promoters.                                   #
#                                                                                  #
# Authors: Jean Cury, Bertrand Neron, Eduardo PC Rocha                             #
# Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018  Institut Pasteur, Paris and CNRS.                     #
# See the COPYRIGHT file for details                                               #
#                                                                                  #
# integron_finder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by             #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or                #
# (at your option) any later version.                                              #
#                                                                                  #
# integron_finder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                   #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                     #
#                                                                                  #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                #
# along with this program (COPYING file).                                          #
# If not, see <>.                                      #

import os
from subprocess import call
import colorlog

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from Bio import SeqFeature
from Bio import SeqIO

from .utils import get_name_from_path
from .hmm import read_hmm

_log = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def func_annot(integrons, replicon, prot_db, hmm_files, cfg, out_dir='.', evalue=10, coverage=0.5): """ | Call hmmmer to annotate CDS associated with the integron. | Use Resfams per default (Gibson et al, ISME J., 2014) :param integrons: integrons list to annotate :type integrons: list of :class:`integron_finder.integron.Integron` objects. :param replicon: replicon where the integrons were found (genomic fasta file) :type replicon: :class:`Bio.Seq.SeqRecord` object :param prot_db: the protein database corresponding to the replicon translation :type prot_db: :class:`integron.prot_db.ProteinDB` object. :param hmm_files: List of path of hmm profiles to use to scan the prot_file :type hmm_files: List[str] :param cfg: the configuration for this analyse :type cfg: :class:`integron_finder.config.Config` :param str out_dir: the path of the directory where to store the results :param float evalue: :param float coverage: :return: None. But several files per hmm file are produced. * subseqprot.tmp: fasta file containing a subset of protfile (the proteins belonging to the integron) * <hmm>_fa.res: an output of the hmm search. * <hmm>_fa_table.res: an output of the hmm search in tabulated format. """ prot_tmp = os.path.join(out_dir, + "_subseqprot.tmp") for integron in integrons: if os.path.isfile(prot_tmp): os.remove(prot_tmp) if integron.type() != "In0" and not integron.proteins.empty: func_annotate_res = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Accession_number", "query_name", "ID_query", "ID_prot", "strand", "pos_beg", "pos_end", "evalue"]) prot_to_annotate = [] for prot_nb, prot_id in enumerate(prot_db, 1): if prot_id in integron.proteins.index: prot_to_annotate.append(prot_db[prot_id]) SeqIO.write(prot_to_annotate, prot_tmp, "fasta") for hmm in hmm_files: name_wo_ext = "{}_{}".format(, get_name_from_path(hmm)) hmm_out = os.path.join(out_dir, "{}_fa.res".format(name_wo_ext)) hmm_tableout = os.path.join(out_dir, "{}_fa_table.res".format(name_wo_ext)) hmm_cmd = [cfg.hmmsearch, "-Z", str(prot_nb), "--cpu", str(cfg.cpu), "--tblout", hmm_tableout, "-o", hmm_out, hmm, prot_tmp] try: _log.debug("run hmmsearch: {}".format(' '.join(hmm_cmd))) returncode = call(hmm_cmd) except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError("{0} failed : {1}".format(' '.join(hmm_cmd), err)) if returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("{0} failed return code = {1}".format(' '.join(hmm_cmd), returncode)) hmm_in = read_hmm(, prot_db, hmm_out, cfg, evalue=evalue, coverage=coverage ).sort_values("evalue").drop_duplicates(subset="ID_prot") func_annotate_res = pd.concat([func_annotate_res, hmm_in]) func_annotate_res = func_annotate_res.sort_values("evalue").drop_duplicates(subset="ID_prot") integron.proteins.loc[func_annotate_res.ID_prot, "evalue"] = func_annotate_res.evalue.values integron.proteins.loc[func_annotate_res.ID_prot, "annotation"] = func_annotate_res.query_name.values integron.proteins.loc[func_annotate_res.ID_prot, "model"] = func_annotate_res.ID_query.values integron.proteins = integron.proteins.astype(dtype=integron.dtype)
[docs]def add_feature(replicon, integron_desc, prot_db, dist_threshold): """ Add integron annotation to the replicon. :param replicon: The Replicon to annotate :type replicon: a :class:`Bio.Seq.SeqRecord` object. :param integron_desc: integron description :type integron_desc: a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param prot_db: the path to the fasta file containing the translation of the replicon. :type prot_db: a :class:`integron_finder.prot_db.ProteinDB` object. :param int dist_threshold: Two elements are aggregated if they are distant of dist_threshold or less. """ integron_desc = integron_desc.set_index("ID_integron").copy() for i in integron_desc.index.unique(): if isinstance(integron_desc.loc[i], pd.Series): type_integron = integron_desc.loc[i].type start_integron = integron_desc.loc[i].pos_beg end_integron = integron_desc.loc[i].pos_end tmp = SeqFeature.SeqFeature(location=SeqFeature.FeatureLocation(int(start_integron) - 1, int(end_integron)), strand=0, type="integron", qualifiers={"integron_id": i, "integron_type": type_integron} ) replicon.features.append(tmp) if integron_desc.loc[i].type_elt == "protein": tmp = SeqFeature.SeqFeature(location=SeqFeature.FeatureLocation(int(integron_desc.loc[i].pos_beg) - 1, int(integron_desc.loc[i].pos_end)), strand=integron_desc.loc[i].strand, type="CDS" if integron_desc.loc[i].annotation != "intI" else "integrase", qualifiers={"protein_id": integron_desc.loc[i].element, "gene": integron_desc.loc[i].annotation, "model": integron_desc.loc[i].model} ) tmp.qualifiers["translation"] = [prot_db[prt_id] for prt_id in prot_db if prt_id == integron_desc.loc[i].element][0].seq replicon.features.append(tmp) else: tmp = SeqFeature.SeqFeature(location=SeqFeature.FeatureLocation(int(integron_desc.loc[i].pos_beg) - 1, int(integron_desc.loc[i].pos_end)), strand=integron_desc.loc[i].strand, type=integron_desc.loc[i].type_elt, qualifiers={integron_desc.loc[i].type_elt: integron_desc.loc[i].element, "model": integron_desc.loc[i].model} ) replicon.features.append(tmp) else: type_integron = integron_desc.loc[i].type.values[0] # Should only be true if integron over edge of replicon: diff = integron_desc.loc[i].pos_beg.diff() > dist_threshold if diff.any(): pos = np.where(diff)[0][0] start_integron_1 = int(integron_desc.loc[i].pos_beg.values[pos]) end_integron_1 = len(replicon) start_integron_2 = 1 end_integron_2 = int(integron_desc.loc[i].pos_end.values[pos-1]) f1 = SeqFeature.FeatureLocation(start_integron_1 - 1, end_integron_1) f2 = SeqFeature.FeatureLocation(start_integron_2 - 1, end_integron_2) tmp = SeqFeature.SeqFeature(location=f1 + f2, strand=0, type="integron", qualifiers={"integron_id": i, "integron_type": type_integron} ) else: start_integron = int(integron_desc.loc[i].pos_beg.values[0]) end_integron = int(integron_desc.loc[i].pos_end.values[-1]) tmp = SeqFeature.SeqFeature(location=SeqFeature.FeatureLocation(start_integron - 1, end_integron), strand=0, type="integron", qualifiers={"integron_id": i, "integron_type": type_integron} ) replicon.features.append(tmp) for r in integron_desc.loc[i].iterrows(): if r[1].type_elt == "protein": tmp = SeqFeature.SeqFeature(location=SeqFeature.FeatureLocation(int(r[1].pos_beg) - 1, int(r[1].pos_end)), strand=r[1].strand, type="CDS" if r[1].annotation != "intI" else "integrase", qualifiers={"protein_id": r[1].element, "gene": r[1].annotation, "model": r[1].model} ) tmp.qualifiers["translation"] = [prot_db[prt_id] for prt_id in prot_db if prt_id == r[1].element][0].seq replicon.features.append(tmp) else: tmp = SeqFeature.SeqFeature(location=SeqFeature.FeatureLocation(int(r[1].pos_beg) - 1, int(r[1].pos_end)), strand=r[1].strand, type=r[1].type_elt, qualifiers={r[1].type_elt: r[1].element, "model": r[1].model} ) replicon.features.append(tmp) # We get a ValueError otherwise, eg: # ValueError: Locus identifier 'gi|00000000|gb|XX123456.2|' is too long if len( > 16: =[-16:]