Source code for integron_finder.hmm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Integron_Finder - Integron Finder aims at detecting integrons in DNA sequences   #
# by finding particular features of the integron:                                  #
#   - the attC sites                                                               #
#   - the integrase                                                                #
#   - and when possible attI site and promoters.                                   #
#                                                                                  #
# Authors: Jean Cury, Bertrand Neron, Eduardo PC Rocha                             #
# Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018  Institut Pasteur, Paris and CNRS.                     #
# See the COPYRIGHT file for details                                               #
#                                                                                  #
# integron_finder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by             #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or                #
# (at your option) any later version.                                              #
#                                                                                  #
# integron_finder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                   #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                     #
#                                                                                  #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                #
# along with this program (COPYING file).                                          #
# If not, see <>.                                      #

import os
import glob
import colorlog

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# display warning only for non installed integron_finder
from Bio import BiopythonExperimentalWarning
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', BiopythonExperimentalWarning)

from Bio import SearchIO

_log = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def scan_hmm_bank(path): """ :param str path: - if the path is a dir: return all files ending with .hmm in the dir - if the path is a file: parse the file, each line must be an expression (glob) pointing to hmm files :return: lists of hmm files to consider for annotation :rtype: list of str :raise IOError: if the path does not exists """ real_path = os.path.realpath(path) files = [] if os.path.exists(real_path): if os.path.isdir(real_path): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(real_path, '*.hmm')) elif os.path.isfile(real_path): with open(real_path) as hmm_bank: wrong_lines = 0 for bank_path in hmm_bank: bank_path = bank_path.strip() if bank_path.startswith('#'): continue elif not os.path.isabs(bank_path): if "_prefix_share" in globals(): prefix = _prefix_share elif 'INTEGRON_HOME' in os.environ: prefix = os.environ['INTEGRON_HOME'] else: prefix = '' bank_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prefix, bank_path)) bank_files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(bank_path)) if not bank_files: wrong_lines += 1 _log.warning("func_annot '{}' does not match any files.".format(bank_path)) if wrong_lines > 10: msg = "Too many lines with no hmm file in {}.\nIs there right file?" \ "\nsee documentation tutorial functional annotation".format(real_path) _log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: for path in bank_files: _log.warning("the hmm {} will be used for functional annotation".format(path)) files.extend(bank_files) return files else: raise IOError("{} no such file or directory".format(path))
[docs]def read_hmm(replicon_id, prot_db, infile, cfg, evalue=1., coverage=0.5): """ Function that parse hmmer --out output and returns a pandas DataFrame filter output by evalue and coverage. (Being % of the profile aligned) :param str replicon_id: the id of the replicon :param prot_db: The protein database corresponding to the replicon translation :type prot_db: :class:`integron_finder.prot_db.ProteinDB` object. :param str infile: the hmm output (in tabulated format) to parse :param cfg: the config :type cfg: :class:`integron_finder.config.Config` object. :param float evalue: filter out hits with evalue greater tha evalue. :param float coverage: filter out hits with coverage under coverage (% of the profile aligned) :returns: data Frame with columns: | "Accession_number", "query_name", "ID_query", "ID_prot", "strand", "pos_beg", "pos_end", "evalue" | each row correspond to a hit. :rtype: a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Accession_number", "query_name", "ID_query", "ID_prot", "strand", "pos_beg", "pos_end", "evalue", "hmmfrom", "hmmto", "alifrom", "alito", "len_profile"]) _log.debug("Parse {}".format(infile)) gen = SearchIO.parse(infile, 'hmmer3-text') for idx, query_result in enumerate(gen): len_profile = query_result.seq_len query = try: id_query = query_result.accession except AttributeError: id_query = "-" for idx2, hit in enumerate(query_result.hits): id_prot = _, strand, pos_beg, pos_end = prot_db.get_description( evalue_tmp = [] hmmfrom = [] hmmto = [] alifrom = [] alito = [] for hsp in hit.hsps: # strand = hsp.query_strand evalue_tmp.append(hsp.evalue) hmmfrom.append(hsp.query_start + 1) hmmto.append(hsp.query_end) alifrom.append(hsp.hit_start + 1) alito.append(hsp.hit_end) best_evalue = np.argmin(evalue_tmp) df.loc[idx+idx2, "ID_prot"] = id_prot df.loc[idx+idx2, "ID_query"] = id_query # "-" # remnant of ancient parsing function to keep data structure df.loc[idx+idx2, "pos_beg"] = pos_beg df.loc[idx+idx2, "pos_end"] = pos_end df.loc[idx+idx2, "strand"] = strand df.loc[idx+idx2, "evalue"] = evalue_tmp[best_evalue] # i-evalue df.loc[idx+idx2, "hmmfrom"] = hmmfrom[best_evalue] # hmmfrom df.loc[idx+idx2, "hmmto"] = hmmto[best_evalue] # hmm to df.loc[idx+idx2, "alifrom"] = alifrom[best_evalue] # alifrom df.loc[idx+idx2, "alito"] = alito[best_evalue] # ali to df.loc[idx+idx2, "len_profile"] = float(len_profile) df.loc[idx+idx2, "Accession_number"] = replicon_id df.loc[idx+idx2, "query_name"] = query intcols = ["pos_beg", "pos_end", "strand"] floatcol = ["evalue", "len_profile"] df[intcols] = df[intcols].astype(int) df[floatcol] = df[floatcol].astype(float) df = df[(((df.hmmto - df.hmmfrom) / df.len_profile) > coverage) & (df.evalue < evalue)] df.index = list(range(len(df))) df_out = df[["Accession_number", "query_name", "ID_query", "ID_prot", "strand", "pos_beg", "pos_end", "evalue"]] return df_out